Saturday, March 22, 2008

Summary that links to perseverence.


Author:E.B. WHITE

A pig,Wilbur, was almost killed by its owner.his daughter,Fern, saw what nearly happened to it. She decided to rear Wilbur. Time went by and Wilbur started to grow bigger and bigger.Fern's father decided to give it to Mr Zuckerman who had a barn.When Wilbur was at the barn,it met a spider named Charlotte.At the barn pigs which are reared would be killed.Wilbur heard this and got scared. Charlotte promised that nothing would happen to Wilbur.She then had an idea of making words with her web,that make the humans think that Wilbur did it.The words that she makes tells her how she feels about him.Although she was expecting babies,she persevered to help Wilbur.After laying her eggs,she then died.

Summary based on perseverence

Author: E.B. WHITE

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The mischievous monkey

file://The/ sky was overwhelmed by crimson and amber-tinted clouds. The high sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky. A monkey was sitting on a rock, giving it a horrible screech. It wanted to venture out of its cage, to see the outside world. If he wanted to escape, he had to do it fast.It quickly climbed on the fence. While climbing on the fence, he spotted a beige hat with a ribbon on it.The monkey snatched it."Aghhhhhhh!" a lady screamed. It was afraid that the lady's scream would attract passer-by's.
file://When/ it spotted a truck loaded with ripe bananas, it tossed the hat and jumped into the truck with a loud "Thud!"It ate as many bananas as possible. Actually,the truck was leading to a supermarket!
\\The monkey saw two men coming towards the truck pushing trolleys, having a loud "screech," while pushing the trolley. The monkey quickly went down off the truck.It went venturing around the supermarket.All of a sudden, a little boy saw the monkey, pointing his lollipop to it.As the monkey did not want to be seen, it picked itself up on its four limbs,strode towards the boy and snatched the lollipop from his hand. The monkey sticked its tongue out."Waaaaaaaaaah!" the boy wailed.
file://The/ little boy's mother rushed to him, scooping him up in her arms.The little boy's mother called up the zoo,telling them about the monkey.In matter of minutes, the zookeepers arrived.To a shock of its life, the monkey started to run as the zookeepers were chasing it. Without noticing, the zookeepers had already chased it into its cage.The people in the supermarket applauded and soon after, they continued their grocery shopping. As for the monkey, he was caged in a dark cage with a hole only big enough for the food that the zookeepers feed it.It also learned a lesson that it would never forget.